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"Unveiling the World of Lab-Grown Diamonds: Everything You Need to Know"

Updated: Apr 14

What Are Lab-Grown Diamonds?

Lab-Grown Diamonds are optically, chemically, and physically, identical to natural diamonds and are created in a lab by scientists. Lab-grown diamonds provide the same luxurious diamond at flexible price points to fit anyone’s lifestyle. Lab-grown diamonds also offer the opportunity of a larger carat weight at lower costs.

Lab-Grown Diamond characteristics

How Are Lab-Grown Diamonds Created?

Lab-Grown Diamond manufacturers operate in highly controlled lab environments using one of two methods: High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) or Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD).

Both processes begin with a diamond seed and result in a Lab-Grown Diamond. During the HPHT method, the scientist places the diamond seed in a growth chamber (apparatus), heats it to 2,700–3,100 degrees Fahrenheit, and exposes the seed to a pressure of 725,000 pounds per square inch, similar to the process that takes place in Earth’s mantle. The diamond seed remains under these intense conditions for varying lengths of time.

The CVD method of Lab-Grown Diamond creation begins with flat diamond slabs placed in a reactor. The reactor is injected with Methane gas. The gas is exposed to microwaves which cause it to break down into its comprising atoms and generate a carbon-rich plasma cloud. The carbon atoms in the plasma connect with the diamond slabs and create new layers, resulting in slow vertical growth.

Both the HPHT process and the CVD process produce Type IIa colorless Lab-Grown Diamonds, equal to some of the rare and sought-after types of Natural Diamond. These processes can also be adjusted to produce colored Lab-Grown Diamonds.

Lab-grown diamonds specs

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